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Teaching Methodology

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart"

-Nelson Mandela

"The English House" English school is located in central Givatayim. Here, we learn English in a fun and comfortable environment. The learning process relies on a mixture of pedagogies which emphasize using language in an active and natural way.


Our teaching team sees each student as a unique individual who has an intrinsic way of acquiring language and tailors a specific teaching strategy for him/her. We integrate a variety of teaching methods which are based on the work, "Multiple Intelligences", written by the renowned developmental psychologist, Howard Gardner.


The learning process depends on the different intelligences each student has and provides multiple opportunities for developing their abilities and individuality.  We implement this approach by using drama, story-telling, contests, movement, tabletop games, board games, English trivia, riddles, puzzles, songs, computer games, and more.


The learning environment here at "The English House" is suited to our "Multiple Intelligences" teaching approach and is divided into three different learning classes: speaking, moving, and writing/listening.

In speaking class, we focus on:

Verbal intelligence – encouraging the student to build sentences and

communicate in English.

Intrapersonal intelligence – expressing personal opinions.

In movement class we focus on:

Motor intelligence – learning English while using movement to demonstrate

the new words.

Visual-spatial intelligence – using visual aids, such as memory games, drawing,

and demonstration.

In writing/listening class, we focus on:

Logical-mathematical intelligence – improving the skills used while searching and discovering new information.


The Goal of the School


Learning Aspect:

  • Teaching English by predominantly using English and only using Hebrew as a means to explain instructions and rules.

  • Exposing the students to the language from a young age (based on international studies, young children are the most capable of grasping new languages).

  • Accompanying, supporting, and reinforcing the students in their English learning while filling in any gaps there may be in the material being taught in school.

  • Promoting using English routinely in daily life through conversational lessons that are pertinent to the students' daily lives (like describing yourself, discussing movies/TV shows, and more).

  • Adapting the learning materials to each student in the classroom and integrating it based on the range of students' levels.

  • Using an assortment of appropriate teaching styles tailored to the diverse student population.


Emotional Aspect:

  • Improving the self-image and strengthening the self-confidence of each student while acquiring a foreign language.

  • Bringing the students closer to English through fun, interesting, and enjoyable learning experiences.

  • Teaching each student according to his/her objective needs, and assisting in overcoming any subjective fears of the language because of previous shortcomings in other systems.

  • Integrating learning techniques that are based on Dr. Gardner's "Multiple Intelligences" theory to develop a deep motivation to learn a new language through successful experiences.

  • Allowing the students social and cultural experiences with the language.

  • Helping the adult students (learning spoken English) overcome their psychological obstacles in learning a new language and developing the feeling of being capable of speaking a new language fluently.


לייעוץ והרשמה ללימודים: 03-732-7170

 או אנא מלא פרטיך וניצור עימך קשר בהקדם:

* הפרטים נשמרים חסויים ולא נשלח ספאם

אינגליש האוס  

כצנלסון 39, גבעתיים  

טלפון: 03-732-7170  

072-214-8688 :פקס  

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  The English House

 2009 כל הזכויות שמורות ©

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